Oops! I Set Up Talos Linux and Elastic Stack On My Homelab
A quick update on homelab work with Open ToFu, Ansible, Talos Linux, Kuberenetes, and networking.
Posts about the technical design and architecture of the Blasphemess game.
A quick update on homelab work with Open ToFu, Ansible, Talos Linux, Kuberenetes, and networking.
What to choose in physical servers, virtual machines/VMs, Docker containers/LXC, Kubernetes, and hyperscalers like GCP/AWS? Proxmox, apparently.
Outside the HTTP request cycle, I need something that handles asynchronous tasks, like periodically running NPC actions. Enter Celery.
Race conditions and game state consistency are a hard problem in the concurrent world of FastAPI. Can SQL locks be an easy solution?
Vertical scaling servers can only get you so far; horizontal scaling and sharding is a great complement to support massive scale.
Items can be referenced in several tables in the database, which means they have multiple foreign keys. How do I ensure ownership of an item?