Oops! I Set Up Talos Linux and Elastic Stack On My Homelab
A quick update on homelab work with Open ToFu, Ansible, Talos Linux, Kuberenetes, and networking.
A quick update on homelab work with Open ToFu, Ansible, Talos Linux, Kuberenetes, and networking.
What to choose in physical servers, virtual machines/VMs, Docker containers/LXC, Kubernetes, and hyperscalers like GCP/AWS? Proxmox, apparently.
Group success, personal rewards, friction between allies, and conflict with enemies: there are many layers of in-game conflict in Blasphemess.
Mortal squads with rocket launchers, angel mechs with miniguns, sword-wielding cyborgs, and more. What systems make fun and cinematic combat?
Blasphemess is a browser based multiplayer RPG, set in a multiverse where oppressors have spread like wildfire. The conflict is multi-sided.
Outside the HTTP request cycle, I need something that handles asynchronous tasks, like periodically running NPC actions. Enter Celery.
Race conditions and game state consistency are a hard problem in the concurrent world of FastAPI. Can SQL locks be an easy solution?
It's both beneficial and problematic to develop something in the open. Do it anyway! I'm trying to, with this web game project.
Vertical scaling servers can only get you so far; horizontal scaling and sharding is a great complement to support massive scale.
Items can be referenced in several tables in the database, which means they have multiple foreign keys. How do I ensure ownership of an item?
Between FastAPI in Python and Svelte's JS/CSS/HTML combination, I've finally fallen in love with full stack engineering as I build this game.